Living Values Education Distance Facilitator Training

Living Values Education Distance Programmes
Values Activities - Groups - Facilitator - Self-Reflection - Download Materials

PLEASE NOTE: For Application and Facilitator Overview & Schedule for this Course see Distance Download Materials.

All working files and other Course materials are sent as required for approved Participants. 


Living Values Education Distance Facilitator Training (DFT) is a full certificated Course allowing individuals to have a role in sharing Living Values Education. The Course offers a composite of practical engagement with Living Values Education Self-Reflection, LVE Values Activities, Living Values Education Study Group. The LVE "Training Guide" delivers all the techniques and skills required to feel confident to facilitate values activities and workshops using the Living Values Education approach materials with community groups, schools, families, and individuals, etc.

Note: The Living Values Education certificated course is not for everyone. We encourage those wanting only to have the personal benefits of Values Awareness in their lives to undertake the Level One free downloadable Distance components which are available on the website; Living Values Education Distance Self Reflection and Living Values Education Distance Values Activities.


Steps to Facilitator

Steps to Facilitator

Free Downloads  Download this 'Steps to Facilitator' Chart

Introduction to the full training:

While we would like everyone to experience values, it is our facilitators around the world who will widen the reach of values in the long term. Distance Facilitator Training is primarily in support of those away from access to Living Values Education group workshops and trainers, as in countries where Living Values Education representation does not exist, or where travel to reach formal workshops is impractical. It is for those who desire to join Living Values Education in a formal facilitator role to assist others in their need for Values Awareness and their personal growth.

Joining Living Values Education in the role of a potential facilitator is a significant step in personal growth and absorbing new skills in interpersonal relationships. Helping others to find their values requires serious commitment. For Application and LVE Facilitator Training Overview and Schedule see Download - under Resources.

Level One, Part 1 and Part 2 provide the opportunity for the prospective participant to evaluate if they want to proceed to the full facilitator training. Undertaken over 12 consecutive weeks requiring a commitment of time, minimum 2 - 4 hours per week with personal interaction, requiring responsive action and recorded documentation.

Participation for the Distance Facilitator Training is by application with candidates being approved before allowed participation. Acceptance is not a given, requiring assurance from participants that this is a seriously considered and accepted initiative and that adequate time has been allowed in their lives for the 12-week undertaking. This assurance comes from viewing records of engagement with Level One, Part 1 and Part 2.

Certification as a Living Values Education Distance Facilitator is only available on successful completion within the 12-week time frame allocated. The Course is a composite of practical engagement with aspects of the Course:
Living Values Education Self Reflection, 
Living Values Education Home Study Values Activities, 
Living Values Education Study Groups and
Living Values Education Training Guide, Part 1 and Evaluation, Part 2.

Together these aspects deliver all the techniques and skills required to feel confident to facilitate activities and workshops using the wide-ranging LVE materials with community groups, schools in support of teachers, individuals, and families.

INTERESTED?  Review the Pre-Registration information with the DFT Application Form - email:

Level One, Part 1 - Personal Participation

Living Values Education Distance Self-Reflection 12-week personal evaluation. Our Booklet provides people everywhere an interactive opportunity to explore and discover the truth about ourselves relative to our relationship with the Values, thus developing a better awareness of the impact of Values in our lives and our relationships. The programme runs for 12 weeks with four to seven simple questions interacting with the dynamic of one Value per week.

The time involved: 15 - 30 mins/week


  • Self Reflection booklet.
  • Free Download of materials.
  • No Support necessary, Start anytime.

Level One Part 2 - Personal Participation

Living Values Education Distance Values Activities for adults, families, and friends - to do at home. The "Living Values Education Values Activities" are offered in a colourful 50-page participation book of values activities drawn from "Living Values Education for Young Adults" with accompanying audio files and a 90-page personal Journal.

Time required: 30 - 60 mins/week.


  • Values Activities, Personal Journal, five audio files.
  • Source: LVE Distance Values Activities
  • Free download of materials.
  • No Support necessary, Start anytime.

Level Two - Commencing Facilitator Training (DFT) - Certificated Course.

Level Two introduces the participant to all aspects of Living Values Education; the website, 20 years of values-based background of resources, delivery techniques, group management skills required to feel confident to facilitate using the Living Values Education approach with activities and workshops to community groups, in the classroom with teachers, individuals, and families.

On application - we require to view prior engagement of Level One Part 1 and Part 2. i.e. The completed booklet of the 12 consecutive weeks in LVE Self-Reflection and view the participant's weekly values engagement of two values activities (same weekly value as Self Reflection) from the Values Activities recorded in the Personal Journal. Both are required to accompany the DFT Application Form (available online).

Evaluation - You are provided with a support person/mentor who approves your application and your Level One support materials and is be available to assist you and undertake the evaluation of your progress for certification.

On commencing Level Two - You engage/read the provided booklet LVE Training Guide Part 1 for learning LVE facilitation and delivery skills, group management, understanding of the Living Values Education organisation, workshop agenda creation, navigating the website, and LVE resources available. Materials are sent on successful evaluation of Level One.

This new learning is self-evaluated by answering the questions in the "Distance Facilitator Training Guide, Part Two. Evaluation Questions and Agenda" booklet (Word .docx). The completed booklet together with your version of a three-day LVE Activity Agenda is sent to your support mentor. 

Time required: 12 - 24 hours.


You are now ready to create your first Group facilitation experience.

Practical Application Level Three - "Living Values Education Study Groups - Guidelines for an Effective Group" and other support materials provide all the information required to bring a small group together for a 2 hour per week Self Reflection meeting; Promoting the Living Values Study Group in your community, finding the venue, structure of the 2-hour session each week, the do's and don'ts of dealing with the group dynamic, setting the scene and creating a Values-based Atmosphere.

This is followed by a practical application of LVE facilitation with your 12 week Study Group, one night per week. Your weekly group session is identical to the same questions you asked yourself and choosing two Values Activities for the group each week. Your support person/mentor is available during the 12-week programme to assist you with any issues which may arise in the group.

Note: If you are currently or have in the past five years been an educator/teacher in a classroom situation, or have other group delivery skills, Level three may be waived (optional). Please advise us. We do encourage participation at this level because of the difference between teaching and values awareness delivery.

DFT Certification is equal to attendance at three, 3-day LVE group interactive workshops. (72 hours)

Ongoing: For full LVE trainer certification attendance and co-facilitation is encouraged within 12 months at one 3 or 5-day combination workshop and TTT (Train the Trainer) or TTE (Train the Educator) with the local ALIVE Associate or Focal Point for Living Values Education.

Greater Involvement within Living Values Education - we invite participation with LVE Working Groups and our LVE regional organisations.

Click here for Communication and Application


Living Values Education Distance Facilitator Training videos

Distance Facilitator Training - Introduction


Free Downloads  While Free Downloads are available here, on successful application DFT participants will be sent the required updated Course components.

The materials for Living Values Education Distance Facilitator include:

Distance Facilitator Programme Application Form Distance Facilitator Training Guide, Part 1 How to - Study Group For Hosts Distance activities for Groups and Individuals Distance Personal Journal  Distance Self-Reflection


  • Living Values Education Distance Facilitator Programme Application Form
    Please fill in and return to us by email, together with your completed Living Values Education Self Reflection booklet and Personal Journal showing the two values each week you have chosen to explore during your 12 weeks. We will then connect you to your national Associate or Focal Point or, if not available, you can work directly with us at ALIVE - Living Values Education Distance.

  • Living Values Education Distance Self-Reflection - 12 Week Self-development Course
    An amazing opportunity... invites us to deepen our relationship with each value in turn through a few simple questions asked during a week... this powerful process can awaken us to understand why our life is the way it is and best of all, realise that the power to change our experience is uniquely ours! This process is essential for we cannot share what we have not ourselves experienced.

  • Living Values Education Distance Values Activities
    For adults, families, and groups - a colourful 52 page book - activities drawn from Living Values Education for Young Adults.

  • Living Values Education Distance Personal Journal 
    A 97-page book will help you record each of the activities (two per week) and give you something to look back on. (in Word .doc) This can be highly beneficial when working with your Study Group.

  • Living Values Education Distance Facilitator Training Course Overview and Schedule
  • Living Values Education Training Guide - Part One
    This 340 page Guide delivers all the techniques and skills required to feel confident to facilitate activities and workshops using the Living Values Education materials with community groups, schools, families, etc. The Guide provides professional advice, recommendations as to how to be a successful facilitator, something quite different from a teacher, in that a teacher puts information is, while a facilitator draws out our feelings and beliefs. You learn about ALIVE, Living Values history, the resources available to you and the website.

  • Living Values Education Distance Facilitator Training - Part Two - Evaluation and Activities

  • Living Values Education Distance Study Group Guidelines
    A 'How to for Hosts' Booklet - a guide, for convenor/host, to managing effective group activities