
Peace • Love • Respect • Responsibility • Tolerance • Honesty • Humility • Happiness • Cooperation • Simplicity • Freedom • Unity


Values representation artwork drawn by Aristana from Karuna Bali Media Production department, Ubud, Indonesia.


In addition to illustrating the meaning of values, the Reflection Points offer a values perspective, one of valuing the dignity and worth of each human being.

Age group: 3-7 years

  • Responsibility is caring.
  • Responsibility is trying my best.
  • Responsibility is doing my share of the work.
  • Responsibility is taking care of things.
  • Responsibility is helping others when they need help.
  • Responsibility is being fair.
  • Responsibility is helping to make a better world.

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Age group: 8-14 years

  • If we want peace, we have the responsibility to be peaceful.
  • If we want a clean world, we have the responsibility to care for nature.
  • Responsibility is doing your share.
  • Responsibility is accepting what is required and carrying out the task to the best of your ability.
  • Responsibility is carrying out duties with integrity.
  • When one is responsible, there is the contentment of having made a contribution.
  • As a responsible person, I have something worthwhile to offer - so do others.
  • A responsible person knows how to be fair, seeing that each gets a share.
  • With rights there are responsibilities.
  • Responsibility is not only something that obliges us, but also something that allows us to achieve what we wish.
  • Each person can perceive his or her own world and look for the balance of rights and responsibilities.
  • Global responsibility requires respect for all human beings.
  • Responsibility is using our resources to generate a positive change.

Age group: Young Adults

  • Responsibility is doing your share.
  • Responsibility is accepting what is required and carrying out the task to the best of your ability.
  • A responsible person fulfills the assigned duty by staying true to the aim. Duties are carried out with integrity and a sense of purpose.
  • If we want peace, we have the responsibility to be peaceful.
  • If we want a clean world, we have the responsibility to care for nature.
  • When one is responsible there is contentment of having made a contribution.
  • As a responsible person, I have something worthwhile to offer and so do others.
  • A responsible person knows how to be fair, seeing that each gets a share.
  • With rights there are responsibilities.
  • Responsibility is not only something that obliges us, but is also something that allows us to achieve what we wish.
  • Each person can perceive her or his own world and look for the balance of rights and responsibilities.
  • Global responsibility requires respect for all human beings.
  • Responsibility is using our resources to generate positive change.